This 3. International Photo, Short Film, Animation and GameContest 2011 has, from its start to this day, received consistently strong feedback from thousands of visitors from all continents and more than 50 countries. The award winners, their gripping contributions and their sometimes brilliant execution of the subject gained much applause and recognition at the prize-awarding ceremony.
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Category Amateur Photographers
Josef Hinterleitner, Austria
from an eight-piece series
The photographic presentation, humorous expression, fine irony, addressing of taboo topics and the simultaneous use of sharp and blurred elements were chosen for an award.
Lena Mucha, Columbia/Germany
from the series "Parallel Worlds"
The military and paramilitary influences captured by the images, their threatening effect clearly confining civil citizens as well as the linear character of the series obtained an award.
Category Trainee Photographers
Jan Fischer, Germany
from the 10-piece series. Photos from the Scene
Bild Nr 1
Bild Nr 2
The sinister-looking locations of the school environment insinuate, through their isolation, the things that may happen to the defenseless victims there. An accomplished execution of the subject, inspired by violent acts at the Werner-von-Siemens School, Hildesheim. The award winner also provided a very good accompanying text.
Category Professional Photographers
Carsten Görling, Germany
from the 10-piece series. Photos from the scene.
Nr 2 Opfer
The sad and empty look reduces this portrayal to the sentiment of the victim. A well-crafted and at the same time eye-catching execution of the subject.
Category Amateur Filmers / Young People
Bettina Hogendorf and
Students of the Hans-Böckler-Realschule, Bochum, Germany.
Mobile Phone Short Film.
Mobile Phone Short Film "Superman returns"
In reality, often a lack of power prevails, calling for help? A short film with a witty and serious punchline.
Gabriele Romer and Colleagues
and students from the Hauptschule Kuppelnau, Ravensburg, Germany.
Video Short Film
The award is given for the pedagogic achievement of shooting a short film with a crowd of students at a German Hauptschule and for the quality of performance of the participating students as well as for the film concept, rap music and execution.
The adolescents at the Hauptschule have proven that they are able to have public success. We hope for many other inventive contributions by this school and its students.
Ulrike Korbach
and the students of the Tremonia special school in Dortmund, Germany.
Video Short Film
The award goes to the film-maker and the boys of the special school for their convincing presentation and execution of the subject, their persistence in filming and the idea of using the story by Jörg Hagemann as the underlying concept.
The collaboration with the Public Transport Services of Dortmund has to be mentioned here, making film shooting in the underground train possible.
Category Trainee Film-Makers
Christopher Caldwell, Director, Germany
Jonas Grauer, Music
Connie Delimann, Actress
Video Short Film
„Bound" - Die Gewalt der Drogen
This short film received an award for the selection and implementation of the subject, the music and the accomplished performance of the actors.
Category Amateur Film-Makers / Animation / Children
Steffen Griesinger
and the students of a primary school in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Animation Short Film
During the time of film shooting children already "practise" the subject of the contest: By playing roles they experience the extent to which mocking and mobbing are hurtful, marginalizing and disgusting. Special praise goes to the quality of interpretation of the texts spoken by the children.
Ulrike Korbach, Germany
with children from a daycare centre and students of two elementary schools.
Animation Short Film
Forest group of a daycare center, Dortmund
(from a project for early learning)
Gottfried-School, Lünen
Vincke Primary School, Dortmund
The animation short films are based on well-plotted stories which are successfully rendered by the films, well-narrated and elaborately targeted to the children. Escalating into a dispute, the situation is then resolved humorously. Die technique is highly tricky and requires much patience. Its combination of realistic film, stop-motion animation and the use of puppets is very impressive.
Category Amateur Film Makers / Animation / Adults
Daniel Ricci, Animation, Italy / Germany
Daniel Ricci, Musik
Daniel Ricci, Interpretation and Instrumentation
Simon Weigel, Sounddesign
"Half Light" is – far from any motion picture clichés - dealing with the psychologically unbearable state of horror, death and guilt. This is a technically very demanding film, with detailed implementation; the slow follow-up of individual sequences and sound design emphasize its somber undertone. The images and citations used are highly sophisticated – a contribution that touches the viewer and gets under his skin.
Category Professional Film Maker / Animation
Pinar Bektöre, Animation, Director, Turkey/Germany.
Daniel Wagenbreth, Text, Rap
Florian Weisbrich, Instrumental
Loredana, Songs
Fillipo Timpone, Songs
Animation Short Film
Impressive texts and inherently consistent images with situations that can immediately be identified by viewers of all age groups and have – in combination with the music - a highly emotional impact. The film’s standard of design and animation is professional.
The contest and the examination of the subject are meant to open the eyes to the immense amount of suffering caused by violence, and to the fact that nobody has any right to maltreat, abuse or even kill other people. Do not get manipulated into using violence. It is you who becomes the victim in the end.
Translation: Sigrid Abele,